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Cheap tickets Cavo Portoferraio Ferry

Ferry Cavo Portoferraio

Best offers for Ferries from Cavo to Portoferraio

If you need to travel from Cavo to Portoferraio, the ferry is an excellent option that connects the two cities of Elba Island. This route will be especially useful if you are planning to travel with your car or motorcycle on board. This route has a few monthly ferry departures from Cavo to Portoferraio, with an approximate duration of 20 minutes.

On Clickferry you can book at the best price guaranteed your boat trip from Cavo to Portoferraio. In addition, you can check which days, times, prices and ferry companies you are interested in to travel by ferry from Cavo to Portoferraio. We do it for you, we check prices with all available ferry companies so that you do not have to do it and you can travel by ferry from Cavo to Portoferraio at the lowest price.

Trip duration


Cheapest ticket

15 €
First ferry

First ferry

7:00 AM
Last ferry

Last ferry

22:30 PM

Ferry price from Cavo to Portoferraio

The average ferry price from Cavo to Portoferraio is approximately 15 Euro, depending on the season we are in it may vary due to supply/demand. You can book the Cavo to Portoferraio ferry crossing using our booking engine at the top of this page at the best price guaranteed for your dates.

Cavo to Portoferraio Ferry Alternatives

Alternative ferry route from Cavo to Portoferraio: Cavo - Piombino

Ferry timetables from Cavo to Portoferraio

There are 2 ferry crossings per week from Cavo to Portoferraio which will facilitate your journey. In order to book your trip with total security check in our search engine the available schedules for your dates and book online your ferry tickets at the best price.

Popular ferry operators for the Cavo to Portoferraio ferry route

We offer you all the necessary information about ships, routes and ports to travel by ferry. Between the cities of the island of Elba only one ferry company operates the route from Cavo to Portoferraio, the company that operates the crossing is Corsica Ferries.

How long does the boat from Cavo to Portoferraio take?

The duration of the ferry ride from Cavo to Portoferraio is approximately 20 minutes depending on the boat. We travel by boat about 9.77 kilometers. This time will also depend on some factors such as the type of boat or the weather that accompanies us during the trip.

Travel by car or motorcycle from Cavo to Portoferraio

If you want to make a ferry trip from Cavo to Portoferraio with a car, caravan, van, bus, motorcycle or even bicycle here you can calculate how much it costs to embark your car on board the ferry depending on its size.

You can also navigate without a car on board and rent a car at the offices that you will find on your arrival at the port of Cavo.

Traveling with pet by ferry from Cavo to Portoferraio

Many shipping companies allow the transport of pets on board their ships and ferries. It is very important that you consult with our customer service what the requirements are. They may ask for a health vaccination card, official animal identification document, that you travel in a carrier or if you travel with a dog, that it is always properly restrained with a muzzle and leash during boarding.

Doubts about the choice of ferry?

At Clickfery, we make it easy for you! We offer you personal customer support and help you make your trip. Enter our FAQ section or contact us by Whatsapp in case of any doubts or request after checking them.